Ahad, 30 Januari 2011

HaPPy bEzDay Ho0nEy bUZzz...!!

I wish u always happy n luv mE once forrever...!!
It tHe ever gLer wat sumE nie wlaupoon xdE wit...
Try wat suprice thE bEzt Ever yg pnh wat, n I happYY blE u hPPy ble I wat sush pyah wat sumE nie wlau poon kWn2 mse 2 pnah n laPo mkE sume...huhuuuuh
n I wish remEEber it forever,n hrgai sumE nie yg xseberape....
I xtau nk ckp pe,bUz I tau U hPPy n xt'lauh...!!

thAt time the bEzt eVer n iF thAt timE lEh rKam,I nk U tau I Thinking ab0ut this for a moth for this suprice...

This timE embarrassed to sing happy birthday to u...!!!

But n0w I whAt sing a song f0r u...!!

hAppY bEzdAy 2 u...
hAppY bEzdAy 2 u...
hAppY bEzdAy 2 h0nEy bUUzz...
hAppY bEzdAy 2 u...!!!

with luv 2 u..!!

or the last 05/01/2011

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