Sabtu, 12 Mac 2011

suffEr...!!!n0 0ne cAn av0id...... =(

1st thing suffEr fr0m a strEEss....
thAn iT move t0 sUffEr thinG....
i xtau nk kte pE....bUt i fill s0 suffEr todAy...!!
cann0t sleep,thAt thinG mAny thinG.,...huhuhh
i don't kn0w whAt actualY wAnt 0 d0...!!!

unlikE tHis timE...

wAnt s0me 0ne bEside of mE..!!!

wAnt s0me 0ne cAn c0ld d0wn 0f mE...!!


luv iS thE wAy wE arE sUffEr,.....!!
h0pE thIs timE g0 fastEr....


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